New Mothers In China Must Undergo Confinement

In China, pregnant women go through a special period called ‘confinement’ after giving birth. This traditional custom has a long history and contains rich cultural and medical wisdom. This article will explore in detail the definition, necessity, benefits, and government regulations on maternity leave for postpartum confinement.

1、 What is confinement

Postpartum confinement, also known as the puerperium period, refers to the process during which a mother adjusts her diet, rest, and lifestyle to promote rapid recovery after childbirth. In China, this traditional custom usually lasts for about a month, but in reality, this time may be adjusted based on the mother’s physical condition and doctor’s advice.

During the confinement period, postpartum women need to follow a series of lifestyle norms, such as avoiding overwork, maintaining sufficient sleep, balanced diet, and paying attention to personal hygiene. These measures aim to help mothers gradually recover from the drastic changes during childbirth, prevent postpartum complications, and lay a solid foundation for future breastfeeding and parenting.

2、 Why do we need to have a confinement period

The need for physiological recovery

During childbirth, the mother’s body undergoes significant changes. The uterus gradually recovers from its dilated state during pregnancy to its pre pregnancy size, and the vaginal and perineal areas also need time to heal. In addition, postpartum women may lose a large amount of blood during delivery, leading to a decrease in their body’s resistance and a higher risk of infection. Therefore, postpartum confinement provides a necessary rest and recovery period for mothers, helping the various systems of the body gradually recover to their pre pregnancy state.

The need for psychological adjustment

After childbirth, mothers face multiple pressures such as role transition and breastfeeding. During the confinement period, the care and concern of family and friends can help mothers alleviate anxiety, adjust their mentality, promote psychological adaptation and emotional stability. In addition, a relatively quiet environment during confinement also helps mothers to rest and recover better.

The need to prevent diseases

Proper rest and nutritional supplementation during postpartum confinement can help prevent postpartum complications such as postpartum infections and bleeding. Meanwhile, measures such as maintaining personal hygiene and avoiding sexual activity can also help reduce the risk of infection.

The need for cultural inheritance

In Chinese culture, postpartum confinement is considered a traditional custom and ritual. It not only concerns the personal health recovery of the mother, but also carries the expectations and care of the family and society. Through confinement, interaction and communication among family members can be enhanced, and their feelings for each other can be deepened.

3、 The benefits of postpartum confinement

Promote physiological recovery

During the confinement period, the mother’s body receives sufficient rest and care. The uterus gradually recovers, and the vaginal and perineal areas heal well. At the same time, the physical strength of the mother gradually recovers, laying a solid foundation for future breastfeeding and parenting.

Preventing postpartum complications

Appropriate rest and nutritional supplementation can help prevent postpartum complications such as puerperal infection and postpartum hemorrhage. In addition, measures such as maintaining personal hygiene and avoiding sexual activity can also help reduce the risk of infection.

Promote psychological adjustment

During confinement, the care and concern of family and friends can help mothers alleviate anxiety and adjust their mentality. Meanwhile, a relatively quiet environment also helps mothers to rest and recover better, thereby reducing psychological pressure and burden.

Enhance family harmony

During the confinement period, interaction and communication among family members are enhanced. By jointly taking care of the mother and newborn, the relationship between family members is deepened, and the family atmosphere is more harmonious and harmonious.

Inheriting cultural customs

As a part of traditional Chinese culture, postpartum confinement carries rich cultural connotations and medical wisdom. By following this custom, mothers and family members are able to inherit and promote excellent traditional Chinese culture, enhancing national pride and cultural identity.

The taboos during confinement mainly involve aspects of daily life and diet. The following is a detailed summary:

In terms of daily life

Avoid overexertion: During the postpartum period, mothers should avoid engaging in heavy physical labor to prevent additional burden on their bodies and affect recovery. Overwork may also lead to the relaxation of uterine ligaments in the pelvic cavity, increasing the risk of uterine prolapse.

Sexual activity is prohibited: Within a short period of time after childbirth, if the uterus has not fully recovered, sexual activity can easily allow pathogens to invade the uterine cavity, leading to acute postpartum infections and symptoms such as abdominal pain and fever. Generally speaking, sexual activity should be avoided within two weeks after childbirth.

Avoid catching a cold from the wind: During postpartum confinement, the mother’s body is more sensitive to cold, so it is important to keep warm and avoid prolonged exposure to cold air and direct air conditioning. After washing hair and taking a shower, it is important to dry and blow dry in a timely manner to prevent bone and joint pain and discomfort caused by exposure to wind and cold, and even to prevent diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Avoid prolonged bed rest: Although rest is necessary, mothers should not stay in bed for long periods of time. Moderate light exercise, such as walking or simple stretching exercises, can help promote blood circulation and physical recovery.

Avoid emotional fluctuations: Pregnant women should avoid negative emotions such as excessive excitement, anger, and depression to avoid affecting the discharge of lochia and physical recovery. Maintaining a peaceful mindset and a happy mood helps with the rapid recovery of the body.

In terms of diet

Avoid eating cold foods: During the postpartum period, one should avoid consuming cold foods such as raw and cold foods, chilled drinks, fruits, etc. These foods may have adverse effects on the body, especially on the contraction and recovery of the uterus. Meanwhile, cold foods may also stimulate visceral smooth muscles, leading to uterine spasms and pain.

Avoid spicy and stimulating foods: Spicy and stimulating foods such as garlic, chives, garlic sprouts, onions, etc. should also be avoided to prevent irritation and discomfort to the body.
Avoid overly greasy foods: Excessively greasy foods can easily cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, which is not conducive to digestion and absorption. Therefore, during confinement, it is advisable to choose light and easily digestible foods.

Avoid excessive nutrition: Although sufficient nutrition is needed for the recovery of the mother’s body and breastfeeding of the baby, it is also important to avoid excessive supplementation. Ensuring a variety of food types and balanced nutrition is sufficient to prevent problems such as severe constipation caused by excessive intake.

The Chinese government’s maternity leave regulations for postpartum confinement mainly reflect the protection of the reproductive rights and interests of female employees, including the duration of maternity leave, prenatal check ups and rest breaks, breastfeeding time and leave, as well as maternity leave benefits. The following is a detailed summary of these regulations:

1、 Maternity leave period

Basic maternity leave: According to the Special Regulations on Labor Protection for Female Employees, female employees are entitled to 98 days of maternity leave, including 15 days of leave before giving birth. This means that female employees can take early leave before giving birth to prepare for and rest before delivery.

Difficult childbirth and multiple births: If female employees encounter difficult childbirth during the delivery process, their maternity leave will be extended by an additional 15 days. Meanwhile, if a female employee gives birth to multiple children, her maternity leave will increase by 15 days for each additional baby she gives birth to.

Abortion maternity leave: Female employees who have a miscarriage before the fourth month of pregnancy are entitled to 15 days of maternity leave; Those who have a miscarriage after 4 months of pregnancy are entitled to 42 days of maternity leave.

2、 Prenatal check ups and rest breaks during work hours

Prenatal examination: Female employees have the right to prenatal examination during pregnancy, and these examinations should be counted as working time. This means that female employees’ wages and benefits should not be affected during prenatal check ups.

Rest breaks during work: For female employees who are more than seven months pregnant, the employer should arrange for them to take one hour of rest during work every day and shall not arrange night shifts. This is to ensure the physical health and work safety of female employees in the late stages of pregnancy.

3、 Breastfeeding time and breastfeeding leave

Breastfeeding time: Female employees are entitled to breastfeeding time after giving birth. Within one year of age, infants can be breastfed twice a day for 30 minutes each time, which can also be combined. This is to ensure that female employees have sufficient time to breastfeed their babies and promote their healthy growth.

Breastfeeding leave: If female employees have difficulties after giving birth and have a work permit, they can apply for six and a half months of breastfeeding leave upon their own application and approval by the unit. This helps female employees better take care of infants and families during breastfeeding.

4、 Maternity leave benefits

Salary and benefits: Female employees enjoy the same salary and welfare benefits during maternity leave as during their employment. This means that female employees will not experience a decrease in income during their maternity leave.

Maternity medical expenses: The medical expenses incurred by female employees during the childbirth process are mainly paid by the maternity insurance fund or borne by the employer. This reduces the economic burden on female workers and safeguards their reproductive rights.

Additional explanation

Local policies: In addition to national regulations, various regions have also formulated corresponding fertility policies and maternity leave regulations based on actual situations. For example, some places have increased the number of maternity leave days based on the national regulations, allowing female employees to enjoy longer maternity leave.
Legal protection: These regulations are based on laws and regulations such as the “Special Provisions on the Labor Protection of Female Workers”, providing strong legal protection for the rights and interests of female workers during childbirth.

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Author: Will

A boy who has lived in China for 30 years has been to Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Chengdu, and other places. Love Chinese culture and food.

2 thoughts on “New Mothers In China Must Undergo Confinement”

  1. I appreciate how you broke down this complex topic into manageable pieces. Your clear explanations and real-life examples made it so much easier to understand.

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