The Story Of The 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals

In traditional Chinese culture, the stories of the 12 zodiac animals have a long history, and each zodiac animal has its own unique legends and symbolic meanings. These stories not only represent the ancient people’s cognition of time, but also contain rich cultural connotations and wisdom. Today, we will explore the legends of the 12 zodiac animals together and feel the meaning and value they convey.

The following are more detailed legends of each animal in the 12 zodiac animals:

  1. Rat: A long time ago, the gods in the sky decided to select twelve animals as zodiac animals, ranked in the order of arrival at the Heavenly Palace. Rat and ox are best friends, and they set out together. But on the way, the rat secretly hid in the ear of the ox, hoping to reach the destination first in this way. When the ox walked to the Heavenly Palace with great effort, the rat quickly jumped out of the ox’s ear and became the first of the 12 zodiac animals.
  2. Ox: There was a farmer who was very hardworking. He would lead the ox to the field to plow every morning. One day, the farmer accidentally fell into the river, and the river god appeared and asked him to find three treasures before returning. The farmer had no choice but to let the ox go back. But the ox did not leave, but went down to the river to help the farmer find three treasures. The river god was very moved and told the farmer that the ox was a divine ox, so the ox was selected as one of the twelve zodiac signs.
  3. Tiger: Tigers originally did not have a brave character, but after a tiger heard the story, he began to learn bravery. After years of hard work, the tiger finally became very brave and independent, and was selected as one of the twelve zodiac signs by the Jade Emperor. In addition, there are also legends that tigers are warriors in the mountains and forests, very brave and powerful, and can defeat other animals. In traditional Chinese culture, tigers symbolize bravery, strength and independence. The Jade Emperor heard the story of the tiger and selected it as one of the twelve zodiac signs.
  4. Rabbit: The Jade Emperor held a banquet in the Heavenly Palace and invited all the animals to attend. But the rabbit had no means of transportation and could not reach the Heavenly Palace. So the rabbit decided to make a wheel with wood so that it could reach the Heavenly Palace quickly. When the rabbit arrived at the Heavenly Palace, the other animals were amazed at its wit and courage, and the Jade Emperor also praised the rabbit. Therefore, the rabbit was selected as one of the twelve zodiac signs.
  5. Dragon: The dragon is a sacred animal in China, in charge of rain and weather. According to legend, the dragon was originally an ordinary farmer, but he was very kind and hardworking. One day, the water source in the village dried up, and the villagers were very distressed. The dragon decided to go to the rain god to pray for rain. After a long journey and many difficulties, the dragon finally found the rain god and brought back rain. To thank the dragon, the rain god told the dragon that he was a divine beast in the sky, and from then on the dragon became a sacred animal in China and the head of the twelve zodiac signs.
  6. Snake: The snake did not have venom a long time ago, so it was often bullied by other animals. The snake was very sad and decided to find a way to have venom. After years of hard work and attempts, the snake finally found a way and obtained venom. The snake used venom to protect itself and other animals from attacks. After the Jade Emperor knew the story of the snake, he selected it as one of the twelve zodiac signs.
  7. Horse: The horse was originally an ordinary farmer, but he was very hardworking and loyal. One day, the king came to the village to find the best rider and horse. The horse volunteered to ride the king to the palace. The king was very satisfied with the horse’s riding skills and loyalty, so he kept the horse in the palace. From then on, the horse became the king’s most trusted rider and one of the twelve zodiac signs.
  8. Sheep: The sheep was originally an ordinary goat, but it had a very kind heart. One day, the goat met a wounded bird. The goat used its own wool to make a warm nest for the bird and fed it until it recovered. After the Jade Emperor knew the story of the goat, he selected it as one of the twelve zodiac signs.
  9. Monkey: The monkey is a smart and resourceful animal. The Jade Emperor held a competition to select one of the twelve zodiac signs. The competition required the animals to cross a forest and solve some puzzles. The monkey used his wisdom and wit to pass the competition and became one of the twelve zodiac signs.
  10. Rooster: A long time ago, there was a rooster who was very hardworking and punctual. He would wake up the villagers every morning at a fixed time to get up and work. The villagers were very grateful for the help of the rooster. The Jade Emperor was very moved when he heard about the rooster’s deeds, and he selected it as one of the twelve zodiac signs to commend its diligence and punctuality.
  11. Dog: Dogs have always been one of the most loyal friends of mankind. Legend has it that the dog was originally a dog of an ordinary hunter’s family, but the dog was very loyal to his master and protected everything he had. One day, the master’s family was attacked by thieves, and the dog bravely protected the master and drove away the thieves. In order to thank the dog for its loyalty and bravery, the Jade Emperor selected it as one of the twelve zodiac signs.
  12. Pig: Pigs were a symbol of auspiciousness and wealth a long time ago. Legend has it that the pig was originally a pig raised by an ordinary farmer, but the pig was very smart and could predict the good and bad luck in the future. Because its auspicious omen brought good luck and a good harvest to the villagers, the villagers were very grateful to the pig. After hearing the story of the pig, the Jade Emperor selected it as one of the twelve zodiac signs to commend its auspicious meaning and the good luck it contributed to people.

Through these legends about the 12 zodiac signs, we not only understand the origin and symbolic meaning of each zodiac sign, but also feel the breadth and depth of Chinese culture. These stories show the importance of qualities such as diligence, honesty, bravery, and wisdom, and also embody the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Let us cherish and inherit China’s excellent traditional culture while appreciating these legends.