Chinese Green Card Is The Most Difficult To Obtain

The reason why the Chinese green card is considered one of the most difficult green cards to obtain is mainly based on the following reasons:

  1. Strict application conditions
    According to the “Administrative Measures for the Approval of Permanent Residence of Foreigners in China”, foreigners applying for a Chinese green card need to meet a series of strict conditions. These conditions include but are not limited to:

Investment conditions: Applicants need to make direct investments in China, and have stable investment and good tax records for three consecutive years. The specific investment amount varies according to the investment region and industry, but the general requirements are high.
Job conditions: Applicants must hold positions such as deputy general manager, deputy factory director or above in China, or have associate professors, associate researchers or other associate senior titles or above and enjoy the same treatment, and have been in office for four consecutive years, have resided in China for a total of not less than three years within four years, and have a good tax record. In addition, the unit of employment must also meet specific conditions, such as departments of the State Council or institutions affiliated to provincial people’s governments, key universities, etc.
Contribution conditions: Applicants must have made significant and outstanding contributions to China and be in special need of the country. This condition is relatively vague, but usually requires applicants to have significant achievements or contributions in science and technology, culture, economy and other fields.
Relative conditions: Spouses of Chinese citizens or foreigners who have obtained permanent residence in China, who have been married for five years, have lived in China for five consecutive years, have lived in China for no less than nine months each year, and have stable living security and residence, can apply for a Chinese green card. However, this condition also requires applicants to meet certain residence and income requirements.

  1. Complicated approval process
    The approval process for a Chinese green card is relatively complicated and requires multiple links and a long wait. Generally speaking, applicants need to apply to the municipal public security organs of the community where the main investment or long-term residence is located, or to the municipal public security bureaus or county bureaus. After accepting the application, the public security organs will investigate and verify the applicant’s situation in accordance with the prescribed application conditions and report it to the Ministry of Public Security for approval. The entire approval process may take several years and there is great uncertainty.
  2. Limited number of green cards issued
    Compared with some developed countries, China issues relatively few green cards each year. Since the implementation of the “green card” policy in 2004, China has issued a limited number of green cards in total. Although China has relaxed the green card application and review conditions in recent years in order to attract foreign talent and investment, the number of foreigners who obtain Chinese green cards each year is still relatively small. This limited number of issuances also increases the difficulty of obtaining a Chinese green card.
  3. Insufficient social awareness
    Although the Chinese green card policy has been implemented for many years, many foreigners still do not know enough about this system. They may think that the threshold for Chinese green cards is too high, the application is too difficult, or they lack sufficient understanding and trust in China, so they are unwilling to try to apply for a Chinese green card. This lack of social awareness also affects the application and issuance of Chinese green cards.
  4. Other factors
    In addition to the above main reasons, there are some other factors that increase the difficulty of obtaining a Chinese green card. For example, the Chinese green card involves issues such as national security and social stability, so the approval process is very strict. In addition, some foreigners may find it difficult to adapt to China’s social and living environment due to language and cultural barriers, which also increases the difficulty of their application for a Chinese green card.

In summary, the reason why the Chinese green card is considered to be one of the most difficult green cards to obtain is mainly due to its strict application conditions, cumbersome approval process, limited number of issuances, and lack of social awareness. However, with the rapid development of China’s economy and the improvement of its international status, more and more foreigners have begun to recognize China’s potential and opportunities and hope to obtain a Chinese green card in order to better participate in China’s economic and social development. Therefore, China’s green card policy may continue to be adjusted and improved in the future to attract more foreign talents and investments to China.

Do Chinese People Know Ancient Chinese Characters?

In China’s long history, writing, as an important carrier of cultural inheritance, has evolved through multiple stages including oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, small seal script, official script, and regular script. This evolution not only reflects the profound heritage of Chinese civilization, but also reflects the unique charm of Chinese characters as one of the oldest scripts in the world. Regarding the question “Can current Chinese people still understand the Chinese characters of the past?”, the answer is not generalizable, but depends on a variety of factors, including personal educational background, interests and hobbies, depth of research, and the specific “past” “Chinese characters” era, etc. Here’s an in-depth look at the issue.

  1. Universality and particularity of the evolution of Chinese characters
  2. Universality:
    Although Chinese characters have undergone significant changes in form from oracle bone inscriptions to modern Chinese characters, their basic character construction principles and character creation methods such as pictography, referring to things, understanding, and pictophonetic sounds have been retained to a large extent. This continuity allows modern people, when learning Chinese characters, to trace back to earlier character forms through their understanding of modern Chinese characters, thereby understanding the cultural meaning and historical background behind them.
  3. Particularity:
    However, the morphology of Chinese characters in different historical periods is significantly different, especially the writing style and stroke structure of early oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions are very different from modern Chinese characters. These words often require professional knowledge and training to accurately identify and understand. Therefore, it may be difficult for non-professional researchers or people without relevant training to directly read and understand these ancient texts.
  4. Modern Chinese people’s cognitive ability of past writing
  5. The influence of educational background
    In China, the basic education system generally includes the teaching of the history and evolution of Chinese characters, which provides students with a certain basic knowledge of Chinese characters. Through classroom learning, students can understand the evolution of Chinese characters from oracle bone inscriptions to modern Chinese characters, as well as the characteristics and representative works of Chinese characters in each period. This kind of education has given many modern Chinese people a certain knowledge and understanding of the Chinese characters of the past.
  6. Interests and research depth
    In addition to basic education, some individuals or scholars who have a strong interest in ancient culture, history, archeology and other fields will further study and learn ancient Chinese characters. They continue to improve their understanding of ancient Chinese characters by reading ancient books, visiting museums, and participating in academic seminars. These people tend to have higher abilities in identifying and understanding Chinese characters from the past.
  7. Assistance by technological means
    With the development of science and technology, modern people have also received more help in identifying and understanding ancient Chinese characters. For example, digital technology has allowed a large number of ancient documents to be preserved and displayed. Through electronic devices and professional software, people can easily check and compare Chinese character forms in different historical periods. In addition, artificial intelligence and machine learning technology have also been applied to the field of Chinese character recognition, providing researchers with powerful tool support by training models to identify and analyze ancient Chinese characters.
  8. Challenges and Solutions
  9. Challenges faced
    High professional threshold: For non-professional researchers, directly reading and understanding ancient Chinese characters requires a high level of professional knowledge and skill reserves.
    Scarcity and protection of documents: Some ancient documents have been seriously damaged or lost due to their age, making research difficult.
    Language barrier: Ancient documents often contain a large number of ancient Chinese vocabulary and grammatical structures, which are quite different from modern Chinese, making it more difficult to understand.
  10. Solution
    Strengthen education and training: increase the teaching content on the history and evolution of Chinese characters in the basic education stage to cultivate students’ interests and basic abilities; at the same time, provide more professional training and resource support for individuals or scholars who are interested in in-depth study of ancient Chinese characters .
    Utilize scientific and technological means: Give full play to the advantages of modern scientific and technological means such as digitalization and artificial intelligence to promote the identification, arrangement and research of ancient Chinese characters; at the same time, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation and share research results and resources.
    Protection and inheritance: Strengthen the protection and restoration of ancient documents to ensure that they are well preserved and passed on to future generations; at the same time, we will popularize the knowledge of ancient Chinese characters through holding exhibitions, lectures and other activities to improve the public’s cultural literacy and cognitive level.
  11. Conclusion
    Today’s Chinese people’s understanding of past Chinese characters is diversified. It is affected by personal education background, hobbies and research depth, and also benefits from the assistance of modern scientific and technological means. Although there are certain challenges and difficulties in directly reading and understanding ancient Chinese characters, by strengthening education and training, using scientific and technological means, and strengthening protection and inheritance, we can continue to improve our understanding of ancient Chinese characters.