Smells Bad, Tastes Delicious:Stinky Tofu

In China’s vast food culture, Stinky tofu has become an unforgettable traditional snack with its unique flavor and long history. This delicious food that smells bad but tastes delicious is not only widely spread throughout China, but also gradually reaching the world, attracting the taste buds of countless diners. This article will discuss the charm of Stinky tofu from its origin, popular areas, condiments and eating benefits.

1、 Origin of Stinky tofu

The origin of Stinky tofu can be traced back to hundreds of years ago. Its specific birth time has been difficult to verify, but there are many versions of legends. Among them, the most well-known story is about Wang Zhihe, a native of Anhui. According to legend, in the eighth year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Zhihe, a juren from Xianyuan County, Anhui, went to Beijing to take the imperial examination. Unfortunately, he fell from grace and stayed in Beijing to run a tofu shop. One day, Wang Zhihe decided to try to make fermented bean curd because he had too many stocks. He cut the tofu into small pieces and marinated them in a jar. Unexpectedly, a few days later when I opened the jar, I found that the tofu had turned green and emitted an unpleasant odor, but upon tasting it, it was exceptionally delicious. As a result, Wang Zhihe decided to sell this Stinky tofu milk as a commodity and gradually spread it in Beijing and even across the country.

Although this story gives Stinky tofu a legendary color, in fact, the production technology and flavor of Stinky tofu vary greatly in different regions. The production of modern Stinky tofu draws more lessons from the technology of Anhui Maotofu, which became famous before the Ming Dynasty. Through continuous improvement and innovation, it has formed a unique local flavor.

2、 Popular regions

As one of the traditional Chinese snacks, Stinky tofu has an influence all over the country and even the world. In the south, Stinky tofu in Changsha and Shaoxing is particularly famous, attracting countless diners with its unique production technology and flavor. In addition, Stinky tofu in Taiwan, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, Yulin and other places also have their own advantages, forming their own unique brands and cultures.

In the north, although the popularity of Stinky tofu is not as high as that of the south, some regions have their own Stinky tofu culture. For example, the traditional snack in old Beijing, Wang Zhihe Stinky tofu milk, is a representative Fermented bean curd Stinky tofu. In Northeast China, fried Stinky tofu is made of Stinky tofu milk and other seasonings, which are pickled and fried. It is crispy and has a strong taste.

3、 Seasoning and preparation

The delicacy of Stinky tofu lies not only in its unique flavor, but also in its rich condiments and unique manufacturing technology. Generally speaking, the production process of fried Stinky tofu is relatively simple. It is mainly to soak fresh tofu in “stinky brine” for a short time, so that the bacteria and fungi in the brine can decompose the protein in the tofu, making the tofu tissue loose and emitting a bad smell. Then, remove the soaked tofu chunks and drain the water. Fry them in oil until golden brown and crispy.

The condiments of Stinky tofu are more colorful. Usually includes bone broth or chicken soup, cumin powder, Sichuan pepper powder, ginger powder, star anise, white sugar, five spice powder, white sesame, cooking wine, chili powder, salt, sesame oil, tomato sauce, etc. After mixing these seasonings in a certain proportion, they can be made into rich sauces or dips and eaten together with fried Stinky tofu, which can not only enhance the flavor of Stinky tofu, but also increase appetite.

4、 Benefits of consumption

Although Stinky tofu smells “indecent”, its nutritional value should not be underestimated. Proper consumption of Stinky tofu has many benefits for human body:

Supplementary nutrition: Stinky tofu is soft and smooth, rich in protein, calcium, amino acids, vitamin B12 and other nutrients. These ingredients are of great significance for maintaining normal physiological functions and promoting growth and development in the human body.

Increase appetite: Stinky tofu will produce plant lactic acid bacteria and yeast in the fermentation process. These beneficial bacteria can promote intestinal peristalsis, improve digestive function, and thus play a role in improving appetite.

Relieving qi and swelling: As the main raw material of Stinky tofu, tofu has the function of strengthening stomach and regulating intestines. Proper consumption of Stinky tofu can alleviate stomach flatulence and promote digestion to a certain extent.

Strengthening the spleen and stomach: Stinky tofu can neutralize stomach acid after fermentation, and has a regulating effect on gastrointestinal function. Moderate consumption can regulate intestinal health and benefit the spleen and stomach.

Skin care: Stinky tofu contains antioxidant substances such as soybean isoflavones and carotene, which can stimulate skin metabolism, promote skin cell regeneration, and thus play a role in skin care.

Disease prevention: Stinky tofu can synthesize a large amount of vitamin B12 in the fermentation process, which has a positive role in preventing senile dementia and other neurological diseases.

However, it is worth noting that although Stinky tofu has many benefits, it should also be eaten in moderation. Because Stinky tofu is a high sodium food, excessive consumption may increase the burden on the kidneys and affect the stability of blood pressure. In addition, since the production of Stinky tofu may involve the fermentation of some microorganisms, it is necessary to ensure its health and safety before eating.

As one of the traditional Chinese snacks, Stinky tofu has won the favor of the majority of diners with its unique flavor and rich nutritional value. From its origin, popular areas to condiments and eating benefits, every aspect is full of charm and therefore, in the future, with people’s increasing attention to healthy diet and the continuous excavation and inheritance of traditional culture, it is believed that Stinky tofu, a traditional food, will continue to glow with new brilliance and vitality.